Managed Services

Customized, holistic managed services to mitigate operational risk

RiskOnQ has been on the front lines of building, planning and implementing sound operational risk management practices that withstand thorough examination by regulators and auditors.

We help teams address unique, complex risk exposures with our customized managed services. You will have a trusted team helping to identify and alleviate risks in your business, operations and technology.

ORM to fit your diverse needs

Every aspect of your firm is unique, from the people you hire to the systems they use to get work done. That means that the risks facing your business operations are unique, too:

With a holistic approach to operational risk management, we will aggregate current and expected future risk exposures to help craft a managed service plan that considers every component of your business, operations and technology.

How it Works

Your operational risk management methods are customized to fit your firm. We start by understanding your current maturity levels, examining the issues you’re facing, looking for risk in your processes and systems, and jointly determining a plan to move forward.

Once we know how you operate, we’ll help you build smart, sustainable systems that positively impact every aspect of your operations. 

With integrated ORM services, your firm will be able to: